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A Three Step Plan For Returning Gaza

Common Dreams

Netanyahu's Vision for Gaza 2035 Unveiled Online

A Three-Step Plan for Returning Gaza

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel has presented a map of "The New Gaza," a three-step plan for returning Gaza to Israeli control. The plan has been met with anger from Palestinians and their defenders, who see it as a violation of international law and a threat to their rights.

Step 1: Disarm Hamas

The first step of the plan is to disarm Hamas, the militant group that currently controls Gaza. Netanyahu has said that this will be done through a combination of military force and economic sanctions.

Step 2: Create a buffer zone

The second step of the plan is to create a buffer zone between Gaza and Israel. This zone would be patrolled by Israeli forces and would prevent Hamas from launching attacks into Israel.

Step 3: Return Gaza to Israeli control

The third and final step of the plan is to return Gaza to Israeli control. Netanyahu has said that this will be done through a negotiated agreement with the Palestinian Authority.

Reactions to the Plan

The plan has been met with anger from Palestinians and their defenders, who see it as a violation of international law and a threat to their rights. They argue that the plan is unilateral and does not take into account the needs of the Palestinian people.

The international community has also expressed concern about the plan. The United Nations has said that the plan could lead to a new round of violence in the region.

Netanyahu's Defense

Netanyahu has defended the plan, saying that it is necessary to protect Israel from Hamas attacks. He has also said that the plan is in line with international law and that it will ultimately benefit the Palestinian people.

